Life is Meaningless.
Or at least it seems to look that way.
This is something my generation is confronted by.
A generation that is raised with no solid moral values.
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that in this era we are in the last phase of the nihilism. We don’t believe in solid moral values, but at the same time we don’t know how to live without them.
The consummation of the prophesied apocalyptic doomsday does not seem to take place.
There is no Last judgement or the annihilation of everything we know.
Instead new ways are being developed on how to cope with this meaningless fact.
It is a moment of redefinition.
How does my generation deal with meaninglessness and what does this say about us?
My works represent this new reality.
Without resorting to standard melancholia.
It is created in the freedom of the gaps left by the old values.
I research moments in history when the look on life was also being redefined and rediscovered.
From Black Death and Renaissance to the great wars.
I research the images from the past and combine them in new ways with the present.
My style of work evolves through playful experiments.
In the images I work the images with the Microsoft-paint, a computer program I used when I was young. It has a rather naive feeling and look to it.
In the redefining paintings the images are abstracted using a collage technique based on the big pixels of the old Microsoft and mixed with a contemporary colour palette and painting techniques, and by using of words.
The words are a selection of themes that are part of the redefinition.
With a more nihilistic approach of our modern existence, I can find the liberty to use every image I can find.
Moral values don’t play a role in my work.
I don’t want to scandalize.
It’s my aim to free the images from their taboos and lead them to a more contemporary experience of existence.
In the end it’s all about the search of a generation.
A redefinition in the present time.